Pressure Vessels
ESC’s capability to carry out fabrication and supply of Pressure Vessels accompanied by extensive experience in Cutting and Machining, Blasting and Coating, Welding, Forming, and Testing, enables us to confidently engage various categories from simple to complex. And we have a competent team to coordinate the Engineering and Design between clients and factories, between multinational codes and standards.
ESC is equipped with state-of-the- art equipment and a highly skilled and qualified workforce to execute different arrangements, sizes, and shapes of:
Storage Tanks
Above ground, Underground
Crude Oil, Lube Oil, Fire Water
Industrial, Commercial
Vertical, Horizontal
Sphere, Cylinder
Heat Exchangers
Shell and Tube Exchangers
Evaporators and Boilers
Double Tube Thermal Exchangers
Plate Heat Exchangers
Process Vessels
Lined Process
We offer our clients the best products and services out of strong commitment and adherence to various International Standards and Regulations such as ASME, OSHA, ISO, ASQ, ASTM, AWS, NACE, AISC, SME, API, and more.